Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Getting to know each other


Today it was freezing cold outside, when we were on our way to school and even the radio forecasted snow in the evening, but I don't wish for it..
I hope it will be like yesterday. The sunset was beautiful <3..

My first lesson started with Petra. The class was talking about the behavior of customers, like...: Where do the costumers go first? Where are there spots in the store where nobody wants to go and how can you change this matter,... It was really complex. I never thought that someone working in a store, analyses the psychology of his or her customer that much... So they have to analyse if they are in a hurry, coming with friends or kids or husband, is there someone waiting outside,...

Furthermore I got to know the 4 students in that class. All of them are working in stores. One sells electronical devices, two are selling sportswear and another one is into hydraulictools.

Next lesson I was with Marika. Her class had the task to analyse the leadership-techniques of some famous leaders e.g. Barack Obama, Mahatma Ghandi, Martin Luther King,..
But the class seemed to have problems with their Swedish class so they were complaining almost the whole lesson without thinking about the excercise.

During the lunch break I got to know some girls from the 3rd year from Marikas class. One of them works at the hospital as a secretary and in her spare time she helps older people with everything. They can do an extrajob if they want to, not like us, who have to ask the employer if it is allowed to do so.

Afterwards I had a small presentation on the dual educational system. They asked some questions, so I hope it was enlightening for them ;)

How time flies! It's already my 4th day here and I didn't realise it!! But somhow I still miss home, at least my hand and biro miss it :3...

This was now my fourth part... I hope it is like a blog.. because I really don't know what I would have to write otherweise... Writing is so much fun!! Thanks for reading!! <3

1 comment:

  1. Hi Josi!
    To relieve your mind, it's cold in Northern Germany, too.
    Commenting on your thought about the blog ... blogging is somthing creative, there is no right or wrong. Feel free to share your experiences with us :)
    I enjoyed your entry ... Looking forward the next.
